5 shocking and interesting answers to gardening ideas and questions. These FAQs, Facts and Myths are answered based on garden and botany science.

Garden Myths busted on Questions like: Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots? And What Happens when you Expose Roots to Light? Do Pot ted Plants need Soil Change periodically? Do Naphthalene Moth balls contain the best and the most expensive rooting hormone – thats naphthalene acetic acid? If you are interested in gardening tips, tricks and hacks, please Click on the bell icon to receive all notifications. 1. Can we Put Earthworms into Soil of Potted Plants? Yes or No? 2. Many Gardeners Say Putting Stones or a layer of gravel at the bottom of Plant Container is Useful and improves drainage? True or False?
3. Do Potted Plants need soil change periodically? Yes or No? 4. What Happens when you Expose Roots to Light? Does Light REALLY hurt your plants roots? This is infact complicated and controversial gardening query. \
5. Do Naphthalene balls or Moth Balls contain Naphthalene Acetic Acid which is the best Rooting Hormone? Or can these naphthalene balls be useful on plants as rooting agents or as pesticides?


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