Epsom-salt is a natural mineral that was first discovered in Epsom, England. People typically use Epsom-salt in the bathroom to relieve aches and pains or internally as a laxative, but it is also a garden additive that expert gardeners swear by. It can help you produce lush, healthy plants, flowers and trees. Here Are 7-Amazing Reasons to use Epsom-salt in your garden. 1.Make fruit Sweeter. Epsom-salt, when added to trees, bushes and vines that produce fruit, boosts the chlorophyll inside the plant. When plants have more chlorophyll, they have more energy, when they have more energy, they produce more sugar. More-sugar means sweeter fruit for you to enjoy. 2.Tree stump remover. Tree stump removal can be costly, but if you don't have the money to get a stump removed, let Epsom-salt come to your rescue. Simply drill few holes into the stump and fill in the holes with Epsom-salt. In weeks, the stump will begin rotting. 3.Epsom-salt increases Nutrient Absorption. Many comm...
8 such Vegetables and Herbs You Can Regrow Again and Again in your garden. Do you throw your garlic-bulbs out once they start to sprout? What about your potatoes when they get a little wrinkly? How about ginger-root that sits out on the counter too long? Well, you could be getting a lot more value out of your produce than you may realize! Many popular edibles can be regrown from the scraps you're likely throwing-out. Keep watching for a list of veggie scraps you will want to hang on to, from here on out. 1.Basil Basil is a breeze to propagate. Simply take some healthy, fresh, 4-inch cuttings from a young basil plant. Leave just two sets of leaves at the top of each cutting, and remove the remaining leaves. Then, submerge the cuttings in a few inches of clean-water. It may take between 1-2 weeks for roots to form after which Plant it in a small-pot for the windowsill, or out in your garden. 2.Mint Another herb worth growing from cuttings is mint. Much like basil, you'll wa...
Donald Trump escaped death in helicopter crash near Miami airport. Ex-president Donald Trump should be advised promptly that despite an alarming report about helicopter safety issues, the industry is proposing another delay in helicopter safety standards for crashworthiness. This is expected to be rubber-stamped by FAA bureaucrats soon. We expect official confirmation...
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